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A Prayer & A Plan

Updated: Nov 18, 2020

Never under estimate a woman with a prayer and a plan.

NECESSARY In order to have a healthy IDENTITY we need three things. These three cover many others as we grow. They are the understanding that we are SPIRIT SOUL and BODY.

SPIRIT Is our CONNECTION to God and the precepts and principles we live by. It is the foundation of our beliefs, values and character. It shapes how we ultimately see ourselves as mature beings. Many focus all their energy here forgetting the necessity of the others.

SOUL is how we UNDERSTAND life. It includes our mind, will, emotions, desires, imagination, perspective, and inner critic. If this part of our IDENTITY is not healthy, we can find ourselves stagnate and unproductive.

BODY is our INTERACTION with the world. Our brains process what we give it through the information in our soul and spirit and creates the lens we use for living. It’s also how we physically touch the world.

ALL So PRAY but ALSO plan!!!! We need all three or we limit what’s available to us. Each has a VITAL role in your destiny and purpose. Each has a purpose in the plans of God. We were created with ALL three to flow in harmony. Do the IDENTITY WORK in ALL three areas of your life so you can LIVE whole and successful.

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